
By momcat1

Snow geese

Another sign of spring. Went up to Montezuma in the hopes of seeing some and were not disappointed. There were thousands , between those on the ground already , those flying over at the reserve  , and those spotted on the way back down in the air .The pleasant surprise of the day was the flotilla of probably at least 500 tundra swans on Cayuga Lake, with rafts of primarily redheads, with a few mallards and wood ducks thrown in for good measure. ( See extras).There were also a hundred or so and the occasional ring neck duck at another area of Montezuma. We checked out the airport too ,did not see any owls  but again found a few horned larks , also in extra. And we finally had robins in our yard yesterday , so today we have 60 mile an hour wind gusts and intermittent snow squalls. Which unlike in the Rockies , the snows are  melting as fast as the flakes hit the ground. Thank goodness.

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