Pill Box

Dry this morning so out for an early walk.. but we ended up getting wet all the same.
Sat listening to my audio book while I knitted  some more of the rainbow cardigan #2

The sun came out and the rain eased off so Fletch and I went for our usual teatime walk up to the sea wall.

Blip is of one of the 'pill boxes' which we have dotted around our area. Built over 80 years ago as an anticipated prevention against German Invasion . These would have been manned with anti aircraft / small weapons. We still have a few around our town as Barrow was a strategic area for attack  as we had the shipyard, gas and electric works etc and the town suffered a lot of bombing.  Known as Pill boxes simply because they looked like the pill boxes of those times.

Now used as ' dens ' by the local teenagers. I wonder if they are aware of the history of these 

Today is Mothers Day.  Over 22 years since mum died . It doesnt seem that long till I think of all the things that have happened in my life since then. 
Top Gear was quite reminiscent about dads tonight .. so a double whammy of memories for both my parents, died too early and always remembered. 
Good that my memories are happy  ones.

I hope you have all had a good day.xx

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