
Woke up and as I exercised lovely daughter made my breakfast and cake. She has such a giving nature and always goes that little bit extra... her brothers less so. Home son rose at midday and eventually handed over a scribbled card after dinner. The Away son FaceTimed at 9pm having received my own goodie parcel to him ( steak, snacks etc) and said my card was in the post. He has til moon tomorrow to be forgiven.
A wee walk a visit to two other mums too. I’m a bit conflicted with Mother’s Day as it causes you to reflect on your relationship with your mother. Sadly mine is very very toxic and fractured at the moment so I find celebrating her behaviours in my last fifty one years rather hypocritical and churn up a whole lot of unsaid stuff. Too long a story but left a sad shadow on the day that I found difficult to shift and constant rugby didn’t help.
On a brighter note I walked round to the pond on the golf course on the chance that the Canada geese, my 2020 pals, had returned.... yipppeeee they’re back. Dad, mum, auntie and the four goslings from last year. They recognised me and came running for the food bag I’d brought. So happy to see them, I wonder where they’ve been?

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