
By Upoffmebum

Flower's turn

Widely viewed as the star attraction, the flower of the Crepe Myrtle plant in full bloom is certainly a show-stopper.
It's early days, but the girls in the Flow hive don't seem to be paying these flowers much attention at the moment. Hard to see how they couldn't notice them. A profusion of indecently bright pink leaves almost scream nectar by the bucket-load - no shrinking violets here - and there's basically a wild crowded forest of stamens in the middle of each flower almost bursting with their bright yellow pollen load.
Mind you, there are still not a lot of fully-opened Myrtle flowers out yet; and there's quite a bit of flower competition going on along a line running from the hive to the Myrtle - including from sweet basil, rosemary, spring onion, garlic, thyme, hibiscus and in the past few days, bottle brush (Callistemon, of which more anon).
My guess is that the girls' general strategy is: when you're on a good thing, stick to it; and when it starts to dry up, move on to the next likely looking candidate.
Bee wisdom: they've been doing this nectar gathering for quite a while, so you've got to acknowledge that they probably know what they're doing by now.

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