Out of the woods

By Ulrike


Momo is very playful in the evening, so I spend at least an hour with him every evening, luring and sweet talking. Every time I try to involve both Siri and Maud and today Siri played a bit along, catching after a feather toy just some 20cm from Momo without any hiss.
This is where the humans need to be patient. For us this looks like they are not interested in each other but they observe, over and over again. I just need to repeat, again and again, luring Momo closer to both me and Siri. Some day he will think this is normal and loose more and more of his fear.
We had a minor setback when Momo found a unknown hiding place behind the kitchen cupboards on the weekend. It is so tricky that we have no chance to get to him. Of course he needs his safe spots but comes an emergency, we need to get hold of him, so this hiding place needs to go. Lars has now tried, for the second time, to secure the opening only a liquid kitten can squeeze through. So I hope he won't be able to use it anymore.

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