Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

Tobacco up the Fundement

This is the upstream view of the River Ythan from the Logie Buchan Bridge. The bridge was built in the 1930s as a war memorial to the men of the Parish of Logie Buchan who were killed in the first world war and to replace a ferry at the same point. The bridge is now closed to vehicular traffic but is still open to us walkers.

The Ythan used to be navigable as far as Ellon, a few miles upriver of the bridge. Navigation of the lower river was difficult and there were many accidents. In 1778 this prompted the Foveran Kirk Session to draw up a set of rules for dealing with drowned persons. These included the more obvious suggestions of administering stimulating beverages and blowing with force into the lungs. However, the next steps were less orthodox and included "throw the Smoak of Tobacco up the Fundement into the Bowels, by means of a Tobacco-pipe or fumigator. A pair of bellows will serve" and should the patient show any signs of recovery "bleeding in the jugular vein now becomes necessary". The mere threat of such treatment probably made seafarers more cautious when sailing up the Ythan!

Should doubt the veracity of this tale please take a look at this account!

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