The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The enormous amaryllis

I left for work in winter and arrived home in summer. Must have been the extra hour I put in. Tuesdays are tough, and I was glad to go, though the weather had turned so sunny that people were wearing summer dresses or shorts. I ran a few errands in town, and sat on the bench at the top of the high street for a small break in my uphill walk home.

When I got back, I remembered the book my colleague had lent me (The Wild Silence, by Raynor Winn) so I repaired to the cabin and began reading, while Bomble settled beside me in the sunshine. CleanSteve had set up the enormous amaryllis, apparently for a shoot, so I took a set of snaps. Then I went in and made supper (salmon, very tasty, from the reflux diet plan). We are now watching Yes Minister.

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