Place: St Pete, FL 67/77
Main activity: Tues - shelf crash, Walmart, working
Notes: Awake around 2a for quite awhile. Finally got back to sleep when a huge crash woke me. Didn't find it right away and pic is hard to see but one whole side shelf of the closet had come out of the wall (which makes me 2/2 in that regard of the last 2 places. Had coffee on the balcony in mostly dark. Feeling so tired and exasperated with this place. Later talked to condo assoc who can't run the background check with a name of only one letter - kind of hoping they don't approve it. Talked to Al, worked on some Salini and on phone for awhile w/ Alison. Carmen (Lily?) and Kir came by late afternoon - took over hr and half to get the shelf back up - didn't go all that well, not super pretty, uneven, lots of extra holes in the wall, etc. But it's now storage again.

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