Preparation is key
Netting the water butts up on the allotment last Autumn has prevented all the leaves & debris from the surrounding trees falling in, plus save any local inhabitants that should take an unplanned plunge. The acorn cups, reflection, plus reflection of the mighty oak in the butt beside the shed caught my eye. Blip done! I was on the plot by 7.30, I love early mornings up there, just me plus birdsong. The last bit of weeding, just fiddly bits around the fruit bushes, plus one small bed. Job done. I manured a patch, plus the gladioli row. Not sure whether they appreciate, well rotted farmyard manure, time will tell. Then Carolyn arrived with breakfast. We stood chatting where I was working for a couple of minutes. "Oh, look, you've got squirrels on your bird feeder". I'd taken breadcrumbs up for the birds, & wondered how they'd managed to eat all the crumbs I'd put on the feeder when I first arrived, so I added a few more. Not squirrels, not robins, not thrilled. Rats, 2 of them, easy pickings, at least now I know it was'nt the birds. Hey ho!!
We sat for a good hour, more like 2 probably, chatting away over the pastries and coffee. The sun was shining, although the wind was a bit nippy when it sprung up, but it was so good to be outside. It was great to catch up. I can't remember the last time we'd met up. I carried on working on the plot for another hour after Carolyn left, then headed home.
I emptied the water feature, giving the the two resident goldfish a treat, then it was lunchtime.
The first day of the Cheltenham Festival - 4 days horse racing. Hubby was happy, well perhaps not happy, but at least we had a little conversation. :-)
A back Blip ........ I don't know where the rest of Tuesday went. It's a gloriously sunny morning here, the cloud disappeared, leaving a beautiful blue sky, the thrushes have been singing their little hearts out, it's going to be super walking Indie this morning.
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