
By soozsnapz

This symbol was first seen in 1958

When  the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament marched and campaigned to ‘Ban the Bomb’ - having not that long before seen it’s effects in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Now we hear that after 30 years of gradual nuclear disarmament, the government proposes to end the cap on nuclear warheads from the current level of 180, and increase it to 260 - at a time when we were supposed to reduce further down to 120, according to our international commitment. Each Trident nuclear warhead has the power of 10 Hiroshima bombs. (According to the BBC website). Of course this will cost billions, meanwhile we are cutting foreign aid to countries where people are starving, and often where the UK itself has dirty hands. 
Now we know what it means to ‘got our country back’. Grandiose, overblown ideas of “Global Britain”  They might as well go the full trump and say “Let’s make Britain great again” 
I’m so ashamed.  Scientists for Global Responsibility say each warhead can kill up to 10 million civilians. 

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