The last dance.
Another mild sunny day which I have rather wasted by setting Roomba in action upstairs, doing my usual Wednesday kitchen clean and taking delivery of groceries. My most exciting activity was cutting my hair. I was putting it off hoping that hairdressers would be working again soon but I think it's still a few weeks away so I bit the bullet. A bit raggy and shaggy but much better.
My outdoor activity was bundling prickly branches of shrub roses into the back of the car. Even managed to fit in the forsythia prunings. More forsythia to go and a lot of periwinkle to be cleared out. Then I'll get a garden team I've used before to take out the shrub roots.
Photographed my withered tulips for the last time. Now the sun is pretty well set I'm going to walk round the block just to take myself out of the house for a little bit. If there's any sun tomorrow I must get out again with the camera.
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