Here we go again – Day 72

Last night Ann went to bed at 9pm. Don't think it was anything to do with the Covid vaccine she had yesterday. She's just been permanently tired in lock down. Anyway, she took water and paracetamol to bed with her just in case she woke up in the middle of the night in pain. She didn't!

After taking me round the block for toileting purposes to check how she was, she decided that we would go for a big, long walk this morning.

Walked 10 miles which took us just over 3 hours.

We were both very tired this afternoon so have spent the afternoon snoozing. 

Doesn't look like she's going to get any side effects from the vaccine, although the nurse did say that any side effects usually show up within 48 hours so still another 20 hours to go.

Oh and two of her friends who got jabbed today and went to the EICC were in and out within 10-15 mins. Haven't a clue why Ann had to wait so long yesterday??!!


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