A little behind with work...
As you know, it's normally our customers who confound me, but today it was one of the doctors....
I like a nice, clearly typed prescription (eg, 14 x diazepam 5mg. Take one in the morning and one at night for 7 days).
Some of the more pretentious old school doctors like to handwrite in Latin (14 x diazepam 5mg, bds, mane et nocte) You get to know what they mean, even if they do think we're still living in ancient Rome.
Today though, I was completely baffled by a prescription. It was for '30mls olive oil with a 5ml syringe', and the instructions read, 'insert three times a day into rear'. Now I'm only almost a doctor, but it seemed to me a very odd place to be sticking a syringe.
So I phoned the doctor for a bit of clarity, and once he'd stopped laughing he told me it wasn't the patient's rear that was to be lubricated at all......
It was his r(ight) ear......
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