
By CallieJDH

Fairy dust

Monday morning walking group totalled five today as Fiona rejoined us, she's had a very sad time recently so it was lovely to have her back. We decided to do the same walk as last week as we were all a bit pushed for time and although very uppy and downy we can do it in an hour. As we trudged through the Pinetum I suddenly noticed a patch of glittery fairy dust on the path, or was it a visit from a passing angel ? ( I like to think so.)
Our walk has evolved somewhat over the months that I've been tagging along. At first I'd shriek "Stop, stop I want to blip" and then have to explain what a blip was. Nowadays I can be walking along when suddenly I hear my name being shouted and "blip this, blip this !!" Or " I've found a blip / over here quick !". They then wait to see what appears on my blipfoto on Facebook and comment accordingly ! Bit of a group effort really ! Friends are a blessing aren't they ?

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