
By Upoffmebum

Sneaky and fast

Think I might be getting a bit obsessed with the one Strelitsia flower gracing the garden at the moment.
First it goes from a smooth green stem to a colour-bomb of a flower - complete with bright purple tongue and two bright orange bunny ear petals - in a mere 36-48 hours.
Two days later, it's sporting a complete second purple tongue, an extra pair of orange bunny ears, plus a single orange bunny ear for good measure.
That's when I took today's Extra photo of the body of the flower 'pod', because the tiny orange petal tip emerging near the pointy end made it clear that yet another dramatic flowering event was brewing.
After another 48 hours, the pod had split open along the top for its entire length, from the tiny orange tip right back to the base of the flower, and, pivoting upwards from the base, elevated another still-joined pair of lurid orange bunny ear petals - very much like the opening of a multi-bladed Swiss Army knife, and with equally impressive military precision.
This is definitely a shameless - verging on outrageous - show pony of a flower, and can be a bit sneaky with the timing of each of its flowering events - all of which seem to happen overnight and in the early unobserved hours of the morning. 
But with all those different structures to grow to the right length, and then to gradually unfurl in exactly the right sequence, it's also an extremely fast mover - especially considering its way-larger-than-average size.
Certainly a big growing boy, but also very quick on its feet.

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