
Don't you find that when you have a bad start to the day, the rest of the day follows suit?

It began with me oversleeping (always the beginning of a bad morning). Then H was an absolute monkey getting ready for school, which included a near tantrum because apparently his socks 'didn't feel right'. And then he ran off with his friends near school and I couldn't find him, which meant me running around like some kind of insane fishwife shouting his name. So by 9am I was contemplating hitting the wine.

I then got home and started the mammoth task of cleaning the house. I opened the blind in the office and the whole thing fell down. Then I got the hoover out, only to find Mr H broke it yesterday hoovering up wood shavings (it spat out a huge pile of said shavings all over the carpet before deciding to break). By 11am I was contemplating just going back to bed and pretending the day hadn't actually started yet.

Thankfully there hasn't been any more mishaps. Although there's still time...

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