Shopping ....

Trip ....

I intended to go for a walk / stroll but Murphy's Law put paid to that , it started to rain. So I popped into Waitrose , not being able to find the item I needed, asked an assistant, being told what isle I needed, so off I went. Just a few seconds later the same assistant found me with the item I needed. This was repeated as I needed something else in the store , again I asked for help this time not only did 1 assistant come my aid but 2, whom speedily found the item needed.
This kindness was repeated , when I got home a young lady about 19/22ish was passing and asked if I needed help . She carried my shopping to the door.
None of these people did I know , what service from them all
I can walk up the road & no one will pass the time of day or respond to me, but I sure had kindness by the bucketful today.
,I didn't know any of these people , but guess there are many around if we but look.
This wasn't ment to be my blip for today, but I needed to say thank you & tell how much happiness had been spread today.

Thoughtful ..... about happiness being spread, which is so much better than negativity . Ken Dodd ( like him or not) had the right idea with his rendition of Happiness happiness ,the greatest thing that I posses
I thank the Lord that I've been blessed
With more than my share of happiness

Thank you everyone

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