A Nightmare Day
Last night our daughter was taken to hospital with severe eye pain and sickness...having woken in agony from her pre night shift sleep in the afternoon.
It was 12 hours before she got see a doctor....who prescribed morphine for her pain and ordered a scan of her head. She has now had the scan and is waiting for some sort of diagnosis.
However, it turns out that the person in the next bed has tested positive for COVID-19 and, although our daughter tested negative, she will now be required to self-isolate at home (when she is discharged) for ten days. That is going to be fun with 2 and 6 year old children around.
Feeling helpless at the moment as there is nothing we can really do..and not a place we want to visit with a highly likely case of COVID in the house. Ironically she had been due to get her first COVID vaccination this morning...
In other news..... a flower for you to look at....a dog violet I think. Found it whilst walking to Mrs madwill’s studio this morning .. just a little 5 mile jaunt.
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