
I got so caught up with the final America's Cup race and the celebrations after NZ won it, that I nearly forgot my blip. I'm saved by my pop of autumn flowering Sedums.

Mum always knew exactly what was happening with the America's Cup. She'd watch every race across the event. Both she and Dad would have loved the these boats. The Waitamata harbour on the east coast of my old home town looked awesome too.

After talking with the amazing OT who works with me on my return to work plan, she's agreed that I can increase my overall travel tomorrow.

Instead of working from home and then travelling into Christchurch in the afternoon for a meeting, I'll travel into the office for work, then home, then back to my appointment. In person meetings are so much better than Zoom. Great progress hpx, it's more load on me but we're confident that I can do it. :-)

Today's gratitude: For having the courage to stand up to the one person involved with my rehab who is oh so negative and inflexible. Sadly to them I'm a patient and not a person.

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