Flower Friday

These actually came on Sunday from the daughters, but they are still looking lovely.

Lynn and Gavin came to walk with us - unfortunately in a gloomy day of mizzle but we took them on a 6 mile route over the moor to Cartington road and up Physic Lonnen and home by the Iron Age fort at West Hills. It was great to meet up.

I’m romping through “Girl with the Louding Voice”. I think there will be enough to talk about in book group.

My (urgent) eye appointment came through, for 2 months’ time - when we had booked our St Kilda boat. I was able to change it for 4 days later so now we just have to bring forward the ferries to Uist and Barra and of course come home early from Barra to Oban. I’m so glad the eye thing will happen - and even better - the letter said I was referred to a glaucoma clinic locally but this appointment is for the RVI eye centre. So I’m hoping both eyes will get looked at, the left for glaucoma and also to ascertain if it is dry macular in the right eye or capsule hazing which can be treated by laser.

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