This day last year was a very low ebb - it was the limbo week just before full lockdown, when the schools were closed, we were told not to go to pubs or restaurants or to see other people, there was panic buying, the news was full of horrific images of overwhelmed hospitals in Europe, and my father in law was discharged on this day from hospital although we knew there was no way he could care for himself.
Many things have changed - we lost FIL, cleared out his house and sold it, dear Lizzie went to the big duvet in the sky and despite my vows to the contrary the lovely Luna is now firmly ensconced, Dominic Cummings made mugs of us all, David managed to (eventually) get himself moved to London, my hair went from blonde to grey - yet so many things are still the same. But the vaccination programme is giving us hope - for me that’s particularly to see my elderly parents after over a year, and to sit in Merrie England with my mate Maxine, something we took for granted as the simplest thing in the world and that now would beat Afternoon Tea at The Ritz.
I hope you’re all keeping cheerful and hopeful somehow xxxx
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