Here we go again – Day 74

Here I am at the top of Craiglockhart Hill.

For those of you who read our Blips regularly, you will know that my human likes to have little projects to do. This month's project is 'Strava Art'. Every day she 'draws' something using the 'Strava App'. That means that I have to spend a lot of time trekking around the streets on my lead. Even if we're 'strava-ing' places that I would normally be off lead, I have to stay on my lead because 'Strava' is pretty accurate. Therefore if I have a poo and Ann has to deviate off her route to go and pick it up, that means that our 'picture' is distorted.

Anyway today we were strava-ing a 'tortoise' in the Craiglockhart area of Edinburgh and to get to the start of our Strava route we went via Craiglockhart Hill so that I could have some run about time. I have to say, I quite like this project because we are usually out for 2-3 hours at a time.

It's actually a very tiring project for Ann though it's not like she's got anything else to do. Today we walked 4.38 miles 'drawing' a tortoise. It was probably a couple of miles there and a couple of miles back so I'm getting lovely long walks. Yay!!

However today, Ann was so tired when we got home that she had to go and lie down for a couple of hours. Mmmmmmm...................... not sure whether that's because she's old and all this walking is catching up with her, or whether it's a delayed reaction to the Covid vaccine???  Who knows?!

By 4pm she was awake enough to take me out for another half hour, I've had my dinner now and here we are............................. another Friday evening in lock down. #thingscanonlygetbetter

PS – If anyone is interested in our 'Strava Art Project' you can follow us on either Strava or Instagram.  

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