Harding House

After another busy day at work it was home to get changed and then go for a walk in search of a blip . I decided to head to uphill Lincoln and look for a blip and also get my steps for the day to target. Having done 5000 steps at work i was able to do that amount again to reach 10 000 for the day. I'm not obsessed  with getting  10 000 but do like to try and hit it a couple of times a week .
This shot is of Harding house on the steep hill area. I have taken shots of it before but have never been happy with my shots but tonight's has worked for me . It could be the lovely golden lights or the deserted street that make the shot for me.
Back home now and relaxing tea out the way we are going to settle down with a couple of beers and watch the NRL rugby that was recorded this morning . Well the weekend has arrived and my last Saturday off for a few weeks due to staff shortages so plan to enjoy this one despite not been able to go anywhere and the weather is set to be rubbish 

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