The French Quarter

I planted a new aconite this afternoon, which I bought in the village. I split it and dotted bits about. The last bit I planted close to my existing aconite, which has a distinct leaf shape, and is different to the new one. It will be interesting to see how the new one goes to seed, as it is still in flower. I love the shape of all of these leaves together. The snowdrops now passed, along with the aconites, then the tall snowdrop type flower which is just starting to flower. I brought that from Wandlebury with me. As I did the Christmas rose just behind in the French Quarter. This plant has been amazing, and loves it's position. So I just liked this shot.

I've done lots and nothing. I got up at normal work time, and by 8 was starting my first job- sorting the hundreds of school books which came out of the loft a month or so ago. I wanted to at least flick through every book, to make sure there wasn't anything I want to keep. Henry has said he doesn't want any, Dan said he wants very few. Mollie had already kept the ones of hers she wanted. But it is a slow job. I went through 2 big boxes, then moved on to something else. Sorting and trying to tidy. Eventually I sat down to make some mice to go in a few acorn cups. Even that took me ages as I dithered trying to decide what to do. It was an ideal time to catch up on another episode of Australian Married at First sight. So a relaxed afternoon.

When Jon finished work we went for a long walk round the village, collecting todays eggs on the way, and gave them some corn.

Now Gardeners World. It might be what decides my weekend. It looks like sowing chilli's with Monty!

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