A confused genius

By Lez11

Leaving on a jet plane

Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again (13/03/13 if I don't win big in Vegas).

Tomorrow I need to be up at 4am to drive to Manchester airport as I'm off to Las Vegas to watch NASCAR with my best mate ash and I can't wait.

Since I blipped last I've passed my leading and managing teams course I've been doing for the last year. I've got a job interview for a new job, the v-festival line up is amazing and wolves still haven't won.

Also the wife of my mate text me asking if she could come into the office when he wasn't their and decorate his desk for valentines day. Obviously I agreed as it would embarrass him and it would provide
Good banter for the office. It worked but I didn't expect her to go over the top with the decorations (pic).

I'm off to bed now.

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