Late late for a very important ......

...... Date!

No matter I'm just so grateful to get them. The thing is they were posted 10 days ago , I'm so sad for my daughter this has happened so often with the cards from Newcastle, it isn't this end cos' I've checked every time. Anyway thank you so much I love them and I can enjoy them for a further week.
Well , I thought my 2555th blip was today , but so glad it was yesterday as the weather has changed , cooler, cloudier and generally dull'ish . At least I had a nice blip to post!
Now for the adoration of this wonderful site, I love it and all of the blip land crowd. Some I've met, but all I feel I've known for years ( suppose I have , even tho' virtually!) thank you ALL for brightening my day. Especially during this lockdown , it's been a boon. Thanks also to the magical bunch who keep us going . Let's make it bigger and better at each posting.
Have a great safe day you lovely people.

Thoughtful ..... of the blessings and love coming through this site - - - THANK YOU everyone

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