Well no really but you get the drift.  For those not from the UK Hyacinth Bucket is a well-known character from a British Sitcom who likes to think she is posh and insists on pronouncing bucket and bouquet!!!!

More fights with bureaucracy.  Well Mum's Pharmacy to be precise.  She was due her medication to be delivered yesterday (which she had to pay £52 for the year for).  Once again they did not have a prescription for her.  They blame the surgery, but I think the pharmacy are not putting the prescription through early enough.  Anyway they only allow the medication once you are down to your last one.  So Mum got in a flap, understandably.   They then said they'd rush the prescription through and deliver it after 4.00 pm.  Now bear in mind that if they won't delivery it is a 20 minute walk for her.  She used to be able to do this no problem but since lockdown she hasn't been out so much so has lost some of mobility.  My sister-in-law, thank goodness, went round to see them and lo and behold it wasn't there.  They said there was nothing they could do until Monday.  Sis-in-Law emphasised not good enough she needs medication tomorrow.  In the end Sis-in-Law had to queue up for 30 minutes this morning in order to get an emergency supply to last just until Monday, when Mum has to ring up again to see if the prescription is ready!!??

We've had enough and will switch pharmacies from next month.  I've already sourced one just a short bus ride away for Mum and they don't charge anything at all.  I've also written to the Chief Ex of NHS England as to Mum's MP David Morris.  Not sure if it will do any good but these need to be investigated as it is extremely dangerous.  One of Mum's neighbours had even been given the wrong medication, thank goodness they checked before they left the pharmacy!!!!

I wish Mum's MP was the same as ours as Tim Farron would do something about it.  I even tried fried finding the Chief Ex's email for Morecambe Bay Medical Group but couldn't find it at all.  Their complaint procedure is not easy to understand, so had no choice.  CQC next I think - if I can find any details for them - phew.

Sorry for the rant but it was much needed. 

Anyway the garden has made me feel better and I even got on my knees and under the camellia bushes to take this photo.  So many flowers popping up in the garden now it's beginning to look a lot like Spring - yeah.

I'm not going to have a nice cup of tea and chocolate biscuit - medicinal of course!!!!

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