Two steps forward...

By stevvi

Sparrowhawk, I think.

Apologies for the quality of this one as it’s a large crop (from 8200 pixels to 3600) of a 10k ISO shot but I thought I’d blip it as I have not seen wild raptors of any kind in my life… until now! While I understand that some of you have pterodactyls, vultures and such like slaughtering wildebeest by you back door each and every day this little sparrowhawk (I assume) is a rare and exotic first for me. I was in Southchurch Park attempting to photograph any sort of moving animal (which is usually birds or dogs for me) when, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed this land on a building over the road from where I was. I only managed 2 shots before it upped and left but at least I got those. I don’t think I’ll win any awards for this one but I’m well pleased :)

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