
A bit of excitement erupted suddenly after lunch in the Meadows when I realised there was a phalanx of boys in yellow massing around a large group of people as the latter tried to access an open space. One person was separated and marched off quickly while the others came to a halt surrounded by coppers.
The spectators watching the scene unfold seemed none the wiser of what was happening, so in true Miss Marple style, I went out looking for answers.
When needing help ask a policeman and the answer was it was a demonstration against 5G and vaccination. Unbelievable!
that’s what the Police told me but having looked on the internet it was an anti lockdown protest. Apparently ‘Live Edinburgh’ were encouraging shops to open and for people to come from beyond county borders to mass on the Meadows against a continuing lockdown. You live and learn.
It was disbanded eventuallyand the sun worshippers were left on their rugs to soak up the rays.

Excitement over, I thought to buy some tonic for my Mother’s Day Gin at the local shop only to discover a queue far too long for comfort. The Gin might be neat tonight.

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