
By strawhouse

In the Woods

Archie and I had a lovely walk round Stoke Woods today with my mum, Elsie and River. It's finally a bit less muddy. Mostly!
We bumped into a couple of women quite early on who were looking for a pair of beagles who'd gone off for a wander in the woods by themselves. They didn't seem too fussed, just ambling around together looking.
We bumped into them a few times - still together, strolling - and I took their number to call if we saw the dogs.
As we were leaving, over an hour later, we saw the two beagles by the fence between the car park and the woods. I rang the woman to tell her but by the time they came strolling along, the dogs had disappeared off into the undergrowth. They couldn't have gone too far and I said to one of the women that they should called out as the dogs would probably still be within earshot. They didn't call but just strolled off casually together again.
Proper weird! I'd have been frantic if Archie had been gone for that long. And doesn't it make sense to split up to search?!
Maybe they're used to it and know the dogs turn up eventually but with dog thefts on the increase I'd be a bit less casual!
Anyway, not our problem!!
I had planned to pop into Bicester to drop off a Hermes parcel at the Co-Op (an 50xm x 50cm Ikea frame which I sold on Facebook the other day and spent most of yesterday packaging up. Note to self, stop selling big, annoying, hard to wrap pictures!!) but Mum kindly offered to take it for me. 
When I got home I emailed the solicitor to ask had she heard anything about completion on Friday.  We should have completed last Friday but that didn't happen. Sigh. I'd given the buyer an extension of seven days to get his mortgage sorted. Surprise, surprise she'd heard nothing from the buyer's solicitors and said she'd chase for me.
When will it end????????

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