It's another restaurant in Blackheath, another incarnation of the fabulous Vulcans.
The name is Turkish for 'fire', a nod to the very old wood fired oven from its days as a bakery, and pronounced Ā.tes.
So I'm told.
I can remember, about thirty five years ago, when it was a lolly shop, a cornucopia of sweets of all kind.
Children would stare in wonder and take ages to spend their money.
Unfortunately, what I remember most about this shop is that the owner was impatient and cranky, exactly the opposite of what was needed.
And for any Blackheathens who are interested, before that it was an army disposal store.
Remember those?
I'm not going to mention the R word.
The moisture here is on the inside of the glass.
As luck would have it I'm having dinner here on Friday, so will let you know my impressions.
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