
By Hillyblips

Lace Wing

Those of you who have followed my Journal, will on seeing this, realise that I was obviously suffering from withdrawal symptoms today. I love my macro photography and I love my butterflies so I had to have a quick fix and enjoyed every minute of it!

Went up to Stratford to see an old friend for lunch too. We have known each other for 30 years as she used to go out with my brother and although that relationship has long since been consigned to the history books we still meet up. I don't think we paused for breath during the entire lunchtime. What a great day!

This is a close up of a Lace Wing, a kaleidoscope of colour and these are his eyes . More butterflies

I don't understand what has happened tonight as I published this entry 2 hours ago and it has been consigned to oblivion. Very strange. Am hoping this time it will work as I've had to re-write the blip and re-load the image!

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