A New Beginning

After 4 years of proposals, securing funding, detailed planning and finally construction, the new building opened this afternoon at the school where Annie is head of the governing body. The building is a fantastic new resource for the pupils and staff replacing a collection of ailing "portable classrooms" (aka terrapin huts).

The occasion was celebrated with a special opening event attended by pupils, staff, parents, governors and other invited supporters of the school. Special guest was our town mayoress. One lucky pupil got to formally cut the ribbon to open the building. To cap it all, the sun came out.

Following the ribbon cutting and tour of the fantastic new facilities, short speeches were made by the headmaster and Annie (in her governor capacity) followed by tea and cakes for all.

I (Chris) was invited and snapped a few photos of course. We don't really do montages for blip but on this occasion we thought it appropriate to show the building inside and out (and the mayoress of course)!

Thanks for all the messages on yesterday's blip following my half-marathon. Normal running resumed this evening at the running club although I was gifted an easier paced group to lead which I appreciated!

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