Battersea Sunset

Sunset over the Thames from Vauxhall to Battersea. Working in an office near the Vauxhall Bridge today, I caught sight of the sun behind the Power Station chimneys after 5 and popped over to the riverbank to enjoy the light on the river at the end of the day. As I watched the sun sink behind the tired old buildings, a tug came along pulling these enormous barges downriver.

Big Barge.

Pretty as this is, I found via the wonder of the Intereb that the barges are full of rubbish from London, bound for landfill in Essex. Necessary but ... well, it's a bit crap isn't it? Ho, ho. Having said that, this is definitely the best way to get rid of this stuff, beats trucks.

So, something occurs to me. These river-cities were founded due to boats bringing goods up-river. And now they're kept going by boats going down-river full of rubbish, most of it probably made in the countries where the olde-worlde goods came from. Sort of ironic, huh?

I am also available for children's parties.

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