I'm a lumber jack....
THere was lots of internet use by Miss Yola last night and today. She happily Skyped some West Cork friends while we were in the capable hands of hostess Zanna, again. Blazing hot day with lots of burn potential, but we're all taking it carefully, not one burn yet between us but we're all looking tanned and loving the massive vit D doses!
Went to the Wearable World of Art exhibition in Nelson, which was completely inspiring, very cool and very interesting. We took a glorious sunny evening stroll down to the port and marina. Nelson dock yards are piled high with hundreds of thousands of tree trunks, all labelled and ready for exportation. This is about 1/10th of the waiting tree cargo, it was enormous! The apples are being picked at the moment and when the timber has gone in the next few weeks, the docks will be packed with wooden crates of apples ready for the next massive container ships to take them around the world. The dock is working 24/7 with containers and ships with all sorts coming and going, however everything remains v expensive here and it's feels very healthy to recycle, repair and keep using 'stuff'
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