a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Get Knotted

Mono Monday: Get Knotted

I managed to do something to my back on Saturday morning and I've been suffering bit since, and trying to take it easy to let things recover.  How did I do it, do I hear you ask? Why, inevitably, something as simple as putting on a sock...

Its definitely improving every day, but long walks with a camera are off the menu for a little while.  As a result my options for "architectural glimpses" are even less pedestrian (see what I did there?) than usual, and largely limited to the house and garden.  This is the "bean wigwam" that has sprouted in one of the beds - I've deliberately taken the shot at a slight angle for compositional purposes, in reality it is definitely not wonky!

Hopefully this shot won't go upsetting any of you, as yesterday's close up Marco shot of the fly's head definitely wasn't for everyone.

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