Emergent lily

It was colder today, but still dry. I do hope my seeds germinate.... Still no sign. It’s 3 days :-( .... And at least it was more or less sunny when I popped out on the balcony to get my blip. And of course the lilies are coming up. They always do, including in the new pots.

This was before my swift walk (to Peleton accompaniment). Before my delivery from John Lewis arrived which included a broken plate (so had to spend time on the phone to customer services sorting that out...). And long before I lifted a few weights in order to help me feel a bit less frustrated about a poor piece of academic behaviour. And also before I made an excellent Thai curry using the left over chicken from Saturday evening.

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a zoom funeral. The person in question was the subject of a very nice obituary in the Scotsman today.

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