The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

How to

To fold a dog?

We've  always thought Star was double jointed, but this is ridiculous.  Ally was scratching  her neck when she did a sumersault.
( No dog was harmed  in the making of this blip.)

Today was pavement  walking and a playdate. Star still wants to go on strike, but I just didn't  let her get her own way. Still awaiting  advice from Uncle Dave re training. I did send him this photo.  He thinks she's weird too. 

Just in love with my heat pad tonight. Might need a wee chat with GP soon about  the progress of my back situation. 

In good news, my blue envelope  arrived as did Ally's.  Both vaccine  appointments at same time in, the same place, so that's good. I wonder if we will glow in the dark or be tracked for life. Nah, it would be too boring, just hope it works.
Dinner was pork chops in orange, honey and mustard  sauce, with steamed cabbage and boiled tatties. Not too shabby. 

Another dose of Australian  Master chef. Apparently  we're  hooked. 

Stay safe and sane.


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