Place: St Pete, FL 62/68
Main activity: Mon - chicken bone broth
Notes: Woke late after more late-night banging/clanging/slamming/dropping crap above my head. First big crash 1057p and then went on for awhile - so over that already ... and was awake for awhile then after just starting to drift off. Didn't get up very early. Cloudy, cool day. Let the broth and bones cook till mid-afternoon and then completed that part of the process. Froze some broth and put the rest back in and added carrots, celery, mushrooms and garlic to slow cook and then will add roasted chicken at the end. Did a bit of work, wasn't a huge amount, talked to Alison for a short while. Quiet rest of day (quiet meaning, I didn't do much). These asses above have been hammering here and there off and on and can't seem to be considerate once people are going to bed.

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