
The last time I will ever walk her to school. 

The last week at this school. 

The last lesson with her clarinet teacher. 

The last Easter assembly. The last Easter assembly that I will forget and have to deal with in a variety of unorthodox manners. Today involved passing a local council garden... With scissors... 

I was supposed to pick her up.... But things went a bit wrong.... She forgot. She walked home. Now we've moved, that means she doesn't pass where I park. So I was waiting, she wasn't there. I didn't want to leave in case she was just late. School said she had gone but would call if she came back. I drove home and she was on the doorstep, crying because she realised as soon as she got home what she'd done. 

We were then in a rush for the clarinet lesson I was picking her up for and she had a horrid headache. They had a good lesson, and she got gorgeous leaving gifts from her teacher. But she wasn't in a state for doing her ballet lessons. We walked it off a bit,then she did some Ferdy. Beautifully learnt her new study 16. Carefully and beautifully. Only, she learnt study 16 by the wrong composer. Sigh... We were over Monday by then.

We watched friends with a glass of something nice each and shared a cream tart. Needs must. 

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