Framing the Fort

By TheHairyCoo

Bridging (the gap)

...the railway bridge over Guild Street. I like the sweep of this shot, the convergence and the confusing position of the sky.

Spending a bit of time in Coronary Care (as an observer rather than as a patient;-)'s amazing how much things have moved on in a comparatively short time. It used to all about giving medicine to dissolve blood clots, now many people get a balloon squashing the clot against the wall if the artery, with an amazing little metal cage (or "stent") left behind to discourage the clot from reforming. Fascinating stuff!

Radio show again on Thursday at 9! If you're in or around Aberdeen then, please feel free to listen to SHMU FM between 9 and 10am. There will also be a "listen again" option online, so there's no escape ;-)

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