
Meles has gone down South to Englandshire. I always find it hard...but... there is one good thing. You see, she does not get on with seafood, or with offal; so when she's away, I can have those treats...I love prawns, scallops and kidney, which my darling does not. At this time of the year, there is a particular treat for me, which combines offal and fish...I love cod roe (aka raans) fried in butter. The taste, the crunch...

As it was a Monday, all the decent fish shops were closed. So I went to the supermarket and got a tin of pressed roe.

It must be the last type of packaging where you get a key, and have to twist it to release the delicious fishy goodness.

I'm off for a couple of days to see my wee sister. Speak later x

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