A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

First blossom

A cool morning but we headed out to St Ives for a walk taking the lower woodland path and then a circuit of Betty’s Wood before walking back through the estate for a coffee.

Heading back home with the intention of calling at the garden centre I noticed the hedge along the roadside and bordering the car park was full of tiny buds with one or two areas in flower.
I think it’s Blackthorn, certainly the flowers look like them but a bit unexpected on a clipped hedge, too early for Hawthorne.
Treat myself to an African Violet at the garden centre though that isn’t what we went for! Chris got some salad leaves seeds.

Thank you for your kind hearts and comments for yesterday’s blip. There was far too much for one meal and we have finished  the food for lunch today.

Remembering today the start of the UK’s first lockdown last year - what a year and still not over we wouldn’t have believed that a year ago!

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