Chilly Tuesday

Just as we think Spring weather may be here it gets colder again. 

Fletch seems ok today. Hes eaten and enjoyed our walk around the park. 
Theyve planted a lot of hyacinths but most are still in bud. The daffodils are looking bright and golden , but I liked the more muted  colours in these 'natural' daffodils. The ones that Wordsworth would have seen were probably even paler, but these were fluttering and dancing in the breeze. 

A quick pop into Tesco for a few basics and Pets at Home next door to collect Fletchs food which had 30% off this week. A quick dash into B&Q for Rose Clear ( already the aphids are out!) and our 'exciting shopping trip' was over for another week!

Ps.. The anniversary of the 1st lockdown... little did we know! Just as well we didnt know! Would we have coped? 

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