
By MoezaremiA

Female Genital Mutilation

Bit of an odd title right? Well today I went with Han to talk on the topic as a sort of break from work. Reading the description for the event, I just thought, "It'll be about those girls that are circumcised in Somalia like I read sometime, somewhere..."

What a mistake that was. It was a truly shocking/emotive/disturbing/haunting/horrific/outofthisworld/fuckdoesthatactuallyhappen talk. As it made me feel that way, I should have walked out feeling like donating or helping out or spreading awareness, but as horrible as it sounds - I just wanted to forget all the gruesome pictures they showed us. So I put some Being Human on and did very little work for the rest of the evening.

The first half of the day was great however. A lonely day - but I quite like those from time-to-time. Was dressed and ready for the day by 07.30, did a bit of tidying then got to the lib for 08.30. Was really productive too. For a few hours... I wish I could make that last all day.

The pic is from round the corner from our house. I still don't know what I'm doing with a camera - but at least its a better effort than yesterdays. Ugh.

Found this song on my ipod this evening - which is odd cause I heart Just Jack and didn't know I owned it. It's different, but I quite like it.

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