River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Pulmonaria & Bumble Bee

After all yesterday's excitement a very quiet day today.
Remembered I had half a bag of compost from last year, dragged it to the front path where I sieved a good quantity of it to start off more seeds. Far too windy for working in the greenhouse and too cold too.
Also potted on another 20 of the strongest tomato seedlings, 31 in total now ... on the windowsill in the back bedroom!
Phoned my cousin and his wife in Aberystwyth this afternoon, we had a lovely 3-way chat - like me they have stayed very close to home for last 12 months, venturing down to the prom as a special treat. They had also had a second granddaughter born on 3rd Aprl last year. Everyone in good spirits and looking forward to freedom ...
Someone on Twitter had taken photos of their Pulmonaria, then I remembered mine! Also saw this very brave Bumble Bee on the Jersey Walking Stick Kale flowers ... she then went on to the wallflowers, I'm glad of these early pollen-rich flowers which keep the pollinators going.
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone and warm and cosy :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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