Change of scene

Some mornings I wake with a gulp of panic, like a sharp intake of breath.  Apart from this ongoing pandemic or some forgotten dream there seems no plausible reason for it.  Today was one of those, so thought lounging in bed wasn't helping. 
OH suggested as it was a pleasant morning an outing before lunch with the hound would be good.  Murray was very excited when his car harness came out.
We had a pleasant walk. OH decided to go on a new route. I commented that this seemed the wrong direction and was labelled ' a tourist' for lack of familiarity with the route.  Until reaching a busy road OH clapped hand over mouth claiming an error. Needless to say 'tourist' was hoisted by someone's own petard.
On return  home, lunch and carried on drawing. I will share it when it's completed.
Mushroom risotto for dinner. 
Heave a great evening and stay safe.

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