
By Nenz


Another day at home as the policy states I need to be okay for 48 hours before returning to work. As I felt a lot better, I decided that it was okay to venture outside and join the visit to the pool with the boys. They have weekly swimming lessons with the homeschooling community at the local pool. I thought it may be an opportunity to take a photo or three.

My boys have only had a few (2 to be exact) official swimming lessons in their lives and this was their third lesson since. They are devided by skill rather then age and it turns out they are in their age bracket, so lessons or no lessons, don't seem to be the make or break.

Hanging out amongst some of the homeschooling mums is always interesting as they all have their own story on education of their children and most of them are still unfamiliar with unschooling or natural learning as a curriculum which we tend to follow. How do they get into Uni? when they haven't done any official training? I don't worry yet, they are only 9 and 12, let them find out where their passion is and follow their lead? It's a matter of trusting them to find their passion. Trust, is really the key.

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