Bobs` Chicks

These little ladies are part of the flock of hens which my brother-in-law Bob has rehomed from a battery farm for £1 each, he bought 25.

At the farm, they are kept 3 to a cage which is about 36x12 inches, they`ve never seen daylight or had much contact with humans, they`re kept in artificial light to give maximum egg production and once they stop laying, they`re slaughtered.

They look a little tatty at the moment with more than a few feathers missing due to the fact that being in such close proximity they pluck each others feathers out but since Bob`s had them, the combs on the top of the head has has gone from pink to red, some of them have got visible signs of feathers growing back and they`re doing natural chicken things like scratching around for food which they`ve never been able to do.

We bought some eggs off him today and they`re crackingly good..lovely golden yolks and they taste better and I know they come from happy hens.

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