
By Beinghere

A Vertebra

I think it’s a vertebra, anyway. I was beach combing this afternoon. There’s always something to find. My Dad used to call me Steptoe after the character in the tv programme of the same name, because my pockets were always full of things I found. Feathers, bits of wood, animal bones, stones I liked the look of. Sometimes even minnows I’d fished out the burn. So, the shore here always has something to interest me.
Ratty McRatface seems to be planning on taking up residence, because every time I look at the bird table he’s sitting there.
Environmental Health could not help because they are only dealing with Pest or Vermin issues on council property during the pandemic. A fellow blipper suggested putting chilli powder on the bird seed to drive him away. Apparently it doesn’t harm birds. Not that there are any visiting at the moment. So, that’s the plan for tomorrow. Fingers crossed it works.

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